Virtual Desktop Application

To download the Microsoft Virtual Desktop application to your home workstation, please click on the link below:

Virtual Desktop

 Click on the downloaded installer ‘RemoteDesktop###.msi’

The Virtual Desktop Setup wizard will open. Click ‘Next’

Accept the terms in the license agreement by checking the box and click ‘Next’

For ‘Installation Scope’ select the first option ‘Install just for you’ and click ‘Install’

The wizard will install the application and indicate ‘Completed the Remote Desktop Setup Wizard’ click ‘Finish’

From your start menu, search for ‘Remote Desktop’ and pin the app to your taskbar or desktop as desired for easy access.

Open the application and click the ‘Subscribe’ button

Enter your firm email address and password

Complete the two factor authentication

The Virtual Desktop application will find the available resources assigned to your account

Your assigned virtual desktop login will appear as an icon inside the Virtual Desktop application

Double click and sign in to your virtual desktop using your work email and network password

To access the virtual desktop from your browser, please use the following URL: